The best treatment in Malaysia is Neuro Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine that are important components of Chinese historical culture and there are parts of the discipline of MALAYSIA Chinese Master’s ancestors’ up bringing. As early as the new Stone Age in China, the primitive humans use stone as the earliest MALAYSIA Chinese Master’s NEURO ACUPUNCTURE instrument to treat diseases. With the development of the productive forces, bone needles and bamboo needles were introduced. After the development of metal casting techniques and metal tools, the people began to use metal Medicine needles, such as bronze, iron, gold and silver.
Today stainless steel needles are widely used. Moxibustion was gradually created after discovery and use of fire. At first, primitive man found that warming themselves by fire may relieve, stop cold pain or stop a certain type of diseases. Thus, they came to know how to use burnt hot stone or sand wrapped in animal skin to treat disease through hot compression, using ignited branches of wood to warm parts of the body. This is the most primitive form of moxibustion. In modern society, people use moxa leaves as moxibustion material.
Neuro Acupuncture in Malaysia was known throughout the world by 1971 for its anesthesia effects, thus in 1975 the W.H.O. has accepted Chinese Master’s NEURO ACUPUNCTURE as a Medicine sciessnce.